Saturday, December 4, 2010

the thing about school is that it simultaneously makes me want to stay in it forever and run for the hills. everything is so interesting! facts are amazing! theory is the coolest! having this much space to dance and make dances is heaven!
but this is all SO BORING

The funniest thing about it is how much you can do and how much you forget you've done after the fact, like i have all this work and in two weeks I won't remember any of it.
like I have to do this huge project on balinese dance and throughout the research I didn't bother to watch a single video of balinese dance until the day of our group presentation, the day of!! so by the time we watched it on screen I was like 'huh this shit IS really cool'

I've got this amazing plant in my room that has been growing and growing since may and it's already dangling down past most of my books like a big protective spider and I love this plant so so so much it brings me joy to look at it when I'm studying.

Here are some other things that have nothing to do with school: going to see 300 tapes on sunday, these little houses that look like smiling beehives, my ears are still kind of ringing, lately I'm wondering if there's a pill I can take to cure my hypochondria

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