Monday, December 14, 2009

at work post, about Work post

I have one week left with my job at the company. After Friday I will not have work here because the building is being renovated, and I can't work anyhow because I will be in school full time! I'l be a little sad to no longer be here but it's for the best for THE FUTURE and stuff.

I never thought I would say this but I am so excited to move to my parents' house and go back to school.

Best Course Load:
FA/DANC 2226 Dance Composition II
FA/FACS 2910 Performing Arts in Global Perspective
FA/DANC 4260 Dance Video and Intermedial Performance
FA/DANC 3206 Ballet Technique
FA/DANC 3216 Modern Technique

I want to get another course in there but I don't think I can, everything I want to take/need for my degree is full. Next year might be ridiculously busy but it's ok!

I'm in one of those moods lately where 90% of what I think about is related to my Work, to dancing stuff, I just sit around and think about wiggling all day, it's kind of embarrassing but at least I'm not thinking about what's for dinner and dudes. Well I probably think about that kind of stuff too just not as much.

Today I took a yoga class instead of a dancing class because my body hurts and my shins are doing that good old winter-time hurting thing, and I wound up being the only person there and it was a restorative class so I basically had 90 minutes of deep stretches and personal bodywork. Just what the doctor ordered!
I closed a show on Sunday, it was a 3 day run of a very little work but still, it is always sad and funny to be done a show. So much build up and the poof!
I think that the reason I like dance is because I think way way too much and it's really easy for me to get stuck in my thoughts, and doing physical/body work gets me out of my head and into another realm. It's pretty challenging for me, I don't think I am naturally inclined towards being more physical than intellectual.

BLOGGING: the final frontier in egotism

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