Saturday, August 21, 2010

personal archiving

Last time I stayed in on a Saturday night, I thought back to my summer and realized how totally amazing it was and suddenly became obsessed with remembering the whole thing. So I went back using my agenda and facebook and text messages and tried to figure out what I did every day-night of the summer. These are the fruits of my labour, becuse I feel now like summer is over, even though it is still warm, I am just tuckered out and into spending nights in.

Why I am posting a breakdown of my life on the internet is beyond me, maybe it's a project in accountability and transparency and seeing if it's really true that people won't hire you if they google you and find trash or like, a picture of you holding a gun and a cocktail.

It starts as early as I can remember and ends, well, now I guess, which is maybe me ceremoniously saying that my summer is over, I am resigned, it is raining, I am inside.

16/4 Hung out with b., show @ 64, anagram, had a good outfit this night
17/4 Sister birthday party night
18/4 Worked at Zoots all day, toronto dance community love-in @ hub 14 at night
19/4 First meeting with C. re: work in Older and Reckless
20/4 In, angsted, yoga during the day
21/4 Haircut @ A.Mc.'s, dinner A. & E. @ house on parliament
22/4 Rehearsed at York, date with C.
23/4 anagram show at 507 euclid
24/4 Unconference on the future of the performing arts in Toronto, dinner party H.'s
25/4 Worked at Zoots, sister had tooth problem, emergency room
26/4 DTRC emerging artists panel
27/4 Rehearsal at York with K.
28/4 walk in High Park with M.
29/4 Doors for LYLT Collective show, stayed in
30/4 walk in valley with M., doors for LYLT last OFF WHITE at the beaver
01/5 LYLT Doors, stayed in
03/5 Rehearsal for O&R with K. at York, screening of M.P.'s film, dinner B.'s
04/5 lunch with C., Board Meeting
05/5 Dinner at Vic with girls
06/5 Rehearsed at York, stayed in
07/5 Dance party and Double Double Land, torrential downpours, sillyness
08/5 Stayed in, nursed a slight hangover
09/5 saw Susanna Hood show SHUDDER, beers with X., family dinner at night
10/5 First day of school at U of T, job interview
11/5 Yoga, Rehearsal with Carol
12/5 Yoga, Rehearsal with Carol
13/5 Class, hung out with E. during day, rehearsal
14/5 Walk with M. downtown, skipped a very good show, regretted it
15/5 Quiet night with family, impromptu going out for E.N.'s birthday
16/5 Ice cream with E., FOOD HEAVEN at DDL, biked home from market for first time
17/5 Rehearsal with Carol
18/5 Class, rehearsal with Carol
19/5 Class, rehearsal with Carol, lecture, raced downtown for Dancemakers 35th
20/5 Class, rehearsal, C&P Interview, stayed in at night
21/5 Rehearsal with Carol
22/5 Stayed in all day/night
23/5 Biked downtown for big swim, walked on beach with A.
24/5 Victoria Day, beach with B., L.
25/5 Rehearsal with Carol?
26/5 Class, rehearsal, lecture, date with S.
27/5 Dress rehearsal for O & R
28/5 O & R SHOW, date with S.
29/5 O & R SHOW, sad at night after
30/5 School cave, wrote paper
31/5 Class. Overhead man on the subway with a bike say 'tell me you love me. tell me you love me. tell me. that's not what I asked you to tell me. tell me. ok. ok. I love you.'
01/6 Day in park, night with G., stayed out all night
02/6 Big rain, went for nice walk
03/6 Went to see The Godfather with S.
04/6 Sister convocates, dinner with Mutti
05/6 AGAINST LIFE, rain, MBH house, under a bridge, very long time to get home
06/6 Sunday spent inside
07/6 lecture
08/6 hung out with S.
09/6 went to yoga, went to lecture, almost missed it
10/6 hung out with S., went to Ronnie's, ran into pals, tooth anxiety
11/6 oral surgery
17/6 Rehearsed for self at Hub, hung with S., watched 'Objectified'
18/6 Class, hung with dance pals, dinner M., big night: DDL, 64, A.M.'s porch til 5 am
19/6 In, school cave, studied, paper, big talk with G.
20/6 In, school cave, bad day
21/6 Best dance class of life, amazing swim, beers with S.B., best day
22/6 School cave, mid term exam
23/6 Dance class, hung with A.M. at Ronnie's, dinner with girls
24/6 COTTAGE! With B. and H. and G.D. 4 A.M. Skinny Dipping
25/6 COTTAGE! Made dinner with G.D.
26/6 COTTAGE! We drink, too much
27/6 Home from Cottage, learned city turned into a police state during G20
30/6 Hung out with girls, made brownies
02/7 Goodbye G. Dinner Party
03/7 AGAINST LIFE, sad day and night
04/7 Sad day
05/7 AIDA audition, dinner C.S. and A.G. and A.d.K.
06/7 Hung w. G., lunch with A.o.B. and D.
07/7 Went on a blind date
08/7 Slept at B's, pool night, dinner with E.
09/7 In, lovely night
10/7 Park picnic with girls, dinner with A.o.B., TWH, Dentata at P&L, slept at B.'s
11/7 GROWN UPS with twenty people I know
12/7 In, school cave
13/7 Rehearsal for RCC with H. and E.L.
14/7 G.D.'s bday dinner drinks, hung with S.B.
15/7 Tradition at DDL, dinner/Drinks C.R.
16/7 Drinks with A.M., home
17/7 Hung with S.B. and J., Drinks w. C.R., we wonder where all of Toronto is
18/7 In all day, school cave
19/7 C. show, nice dinner alone
20/7 Saw Twelfth Knight with H., B., A.o.B.
21/7 Hung with G., walked around
22/7 Homey Show at DDL, silly night
23/7 Job interview at RSF, Four Corners, anagram plays, embassy, mars @ 5 AM
24/7 Stayed in, stared personal archiving mission
25/7 Day in, cleaned, Sweaty Betty's with pals, silly night
26/7 Class at Dancemakers, Improvised show at Somewhere There, drinks with C.R. after
27/7 Class at Dancemakers, BIG HUGE BIKE RIDE through valley
28/7 Quiet morning in, no class, recovered from sleepless night
29/7 Class at DAncemakers, Job interview at CNE, got job with RSF, babysat sweet girls
30/7 Class at Dancemakers, went to cottage
31/7 Cottage, Slept on couch, nice morning, read all day
01/8 Cottage, read all day
02/8 Home from cottage, worked on paper
03/8 Day in library, rain into A.o.B. in market, special day, drinks with C.R.
04/8 WHOLE DAY writing paper, Boyz Nite with C.
05/8 Big bike ride, swimming with girls, dinner with G.D. and H., $100 at Horseshoe
06/8 Dinner party, day of cooking, nice time, DDL after, last summer silliness
07/8 Woke up late, very sick, M.B.H.'s house and Saffron Sect at Tranzac
08/8 Whole day working on lecture for TWH
09/8 Started a new job, lecture at TWH!
10/8 First day in studio with Susie/Kate
11/8 Rehearsal with S/R, drinks with C.R. after
12/8 Rehearsal with S/R, learned a lot, worked on paper at night
13/8 Worked at RSH, Rehearsal with S/R, nap at night, went out, bored
14/8 Worked on final paper all day, ran into S., had a nice chat
15/8 Finished final 17th/18th c. phil. paper
16/8 Trained for CNE job, ran on 3 hrs sleep
17/8 Rehearsal with S/R, M. came in, swim at night
18/8 Class with S., Rehearsal with S/R, dinner with sister and cousin
19/8 Class with S., Rehearsal with S/R, very nice thing, dinner with C.R. and B.
20/8 Class with S., Rehearsal with S/R, lunch w. cousin, show at ST, drinks sister &N.


Is there any particular point to such a project? It was pretty fun, in a self-indulgent and fastidious sort of way.


  1. i just reread this, because every time i read 'drinks with c.r.', i feel honoured.
