Friday, July 9, 2010

I think like this though- thought - tho- thoug- thoouughhht - tho tho tho -

How much are You You and how much are you an amalgamation of every person you have ever met? Everybody picks up personality traits from people they know, it is unavoidable and part of the fun of being human but what are you left with?

As in, is there anyhing within our personalities that was there in the first place? Obviously, ok, obviously there is, however when I really think about The Things That I Do I have a hard time telling what I didn't pick up from someone else.

The thigns that I can think of are:

-having a squeaky hiccup once every couple of house
-yelling accidentally

and both of those are really more embarrassing things that I do than as opposed to things that are maybe endearing or qualifying.

An interesting thing I think to note is that now not only do we have personality qualities that we pick up from people but there seems to be a big written language thing because of the internet. As in many people I know and different groups of people write in the same sort of way, are we all picking up each others' writing style ("statusing" style or blogging or twitter if you are into that sort of thing), or maybe everyone wrote like this in the first place. I don't remember anymore, and also the way I wrote and spoke when I was younger was very much YOUNG and I am sure would have changed by now anyways
(looking back at my livejournal, and worse, deadjournal for instance, good lord grade ten must have been a very difficult time)

I started thinking about this back in dance school when Chris and I hung out all the time and OH MY GOD WE WERE THE SAME PERSON and had a hard time telling where one of us started.

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