Friday, February 12, 2010

how do you tell what station the radio is on you have the old kind of dial that just kind of says 'you are in the general vicinity of 89.5!' this is why I only ever listen to the CBC, because I can always tell what the CBC is even though it might not be saying, because it's always the talking station right after and right before a station playing really shitty loud music.

all I talk about lately is school which is why I haven't BLOG'D in two months and I don't want to talk about school exclusively, because that's boring! but it's also all I have going on.

I have gone out a couple of weeknights since school started and it's hard on my body! I went and saw a screening of watch the K foundation burn a million quid, which was interesting and chris randle did a talk where he showed us this video which is one of the craziest things I have ever seen

and the next day I had to wake up at 6 am to get to school for 8:30.

When you start every day at 8:30 it makes an 11:30 start like I have on fridays seem like a dream, and waking up at 8 am is a big sleep in.

I am thinking a lot about priorities. what are your priorities?


  1. mine are shifting these days, major shift.

  2. shifting! to what from what?
    too big a question for a blog?
